Running Club News 4/5/15

It was a small, but motivated group of runners out this evening in the Bank holiday drizzle. The drizzle was actually very welcome as it was still very warm running conditions. 7 of us set out with Nick running the longer 5.5miles and the rest focusing on speed with the slightly shorter 4.5miles

The route itself is quite tough, lots of hills and inclines. So Nicks sub 8-mins per mile time was very impressive. It was made more impressive with the extra stone in weight he was carrying round in the shape of 2 Sunday lunches and some tiramisu just before we started!! Well done Nick on keeping it down!!

For the 4.5mile route Jo led the field, she has been steadily improving and today, on a particularly tough course, she smashed her PB to record a 8m 34s per mile time over the 4.5mile route, well done Jo, very quick!! Charles did his best to keep up and along with Sharon and Mandy they finished in a great time. Charles was just 6 s per mile off his PB as he continues to get closer to it without quite breaking it!! Sharon and Mandy was also fast although a slight detour meant they didn’t quite get the full distance, well done though ladies. Greg also chose the 4.5mile route this week, he has been working on his hills and it showed as he finished in an impressive 9m 44s per mile, well done Greg!

Same routes next week for the last time.

Name 04/05/2015 Speed
Nick C 5.50 00:43:35 00:07:55
Mark 5.50 00:43:53 00:07:59
Jo F 4.50 00:38:33 00:08:34
Charles 4.50 00:41:31 00:09:14
Greg 4.50 00:43:50 00:09:44
Sharon 4.50 00:41:41 00:09:16
Mandy 4.50 00:41:41 00:09:16

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