Running Club News 23/01/12

Another good turn out for the Monday Night Warsash Running Club this evening. This is the final session on this route so a chance for everyone to put in a Personal Best Time. Firstly though, a big warm welcome to our two new runners this evening – Andy & Lucy. Andy was extremely fast in his first run with the club with an average speed of 8m 35s! His daughter was marginally quicker though, a challenge I reckon! Lucy completed the shorter route with an average speed of 8m 20s well done Lucy!

There were all sorts of records being broken on the shorter route today. Pam ran her fastest ever lap in less than 11m30s average. Long standing running member, Sharon, also ran her fastest ever speed with the club this evening, a fantastic acheivement and a very fast 9m29s average, awesome Sharon! Harry and Nick also improved on their recent times on the shorter route – a longer route for you guys next week I think!

On the longer route Ann put in her best ever run with the group, an average of 8m 05s was very impressive. You need to do a sub-8min mile average next week Ann! Tori also achieved her fastest average since joining the club with a 9m 27s average, very fast!!!

Well done to all the other runners. We are doing a 1 off run next week (a surprise!) See you all next Monday!

We have choosen two 10k races to focus on in the coming months – Eastleigh 10k on 25th March 2012 and the Marwell 10k 20th May 2012, you can enter these at –
Eastleigh 10k –
Marwell 10k –

I have put together a 8 week training plan in preparation for each race which can be found at – 10km Training Schedule

Please let me have feedback on the schedule at, many thanks.

Name Distance 3 Time 3 Speed
Alistair            4.20 00:39:03 00:09:18
Sandy S            4.20 00:37:17 00:08:53
Pete            4.20 00:33:57 00:08:05
Annie T            4.20 00:41:16 00:09:50
Emma T            2.40 00:20:00 00:08:20
Kelly            4.20 00:41:16 00:09:50
Andy            4.20 00:36:01 00:08:35
Lucy            2.40 00:20:00 00:08:20
Liam            4.20 00:43:32 00:10:22
Pam            2.40 00:27:30 00:11:27
Matt T            2.40 00:19:10 00:07:59
Tori            4.20 00:39:41 00:09:27
Sharon            2.40 00:22:45 00:09:29
Morgan            2.40 00:27:30 00:11:27
Harry            2.40 00:19:30 00:08:08
Mark            4.20 00:39:41 00:09:27
Nick            2.40 00:20:28 00:08:32
Ann            4.20 00:33 00:08:05

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