There are many different diets available. New Life Training has researched many of the most popular schemes. Then using the science behind weight loss and real peoples feedback we have devised a weight loss program that is safe, effective and that can provide a long term solution to weight management and a healthy lifestyle.
Some of the most commonly used diets are shown here, though you may come across other variations of these. It is important to understand these diets and what they can do to you both long term and short term. With New Life Training you may not get the quick results some of these diets provide, but we are sure we will create a lifestyle that will keep you thinner and healthier for longer.
Theory – high protein (low carbohydrate) diets suppresses the appetite through the bodies reliance on fat metabolism, i.e. If the body isn’t given carbohydrates it will inefficiently burn fat instead.
Short term – people tend to consume less food as only the protein parts of meals are consumed, the reduction in calories results in weight loss
Long term – can lead to a reduction in energy levels, head-aches, bad breath and gastrointestinal problems. This diet can produce excessive strain on the liver and kidneys and is likely to cause dehydration. This diet is also often high in saturated fat from the animal fats which are in the protein foods.
Theory – based on severe calorie restriction
Short term – this diet is really easy to prepare are has immediate results which makes it very attractive to people
Long term – does not encourage lifestyle change. The significant reduction in calories will have a negative effect on your metabolism as the body breaks down the lean body mass to fuel the body. The food is often bland and boring and makes any sort of social life difficult.
Theory – stops you mixing carbohydrates and proteins in the same meal. This is based on the theory that the enzymes used to break down each food group will work more efficiently if no other food group is present in the stomach at the time.
Short term – It speeds up the passage of food through the digestive system. Adequate fibre intake has numerous benefits, and most people don’t consume enough fibre.
Long term – can lead to abdominal pain and flatulence. Often the taste and the need to drink a lot of water put people off.
Theory – that a specific menu plan developed by a company will guarantee effective weight loss
Short term – Benefits based around quite sound principles. A of group like-minded people will provide support and encouragement, specific meeting times will encourage adherence to the programme.
Long term – tactics used are sometimes not psychologically beneficial, guilt-trips, sin foods and dependence on scales. These can be expensive long term and often lifestyle changes are not adopted before individuals give up the programme.
Theory – That severe calorific restriction will ensure a negative energy balance very quickly. This diet is only recommended for people with severe obesity with body fat totaling 40 -50% and above. This diet should only be conducted under medical supervision.
Short-term – Large weight loss in a very short time span
Long-Term – Large loss of muscle tissue that may not return thus decreasing lean body mass levels and metabolism. This diet has been known to affect the critical organs such as the heart. These diets have poor success rate.
This is when an individual diets for short periods of time followed by periods of normal or binge eating. Usually the diet is very low calorie.
It is now known that repetitive dieting has a detrimental effect on the bodies resting Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), the rate at which the body uses calories at rest. In cases of severe caloric restriction the BMR can be reduced by up to 45% with the depression of BMR enhanced with each subsequent attempt to diet. When this happens dieters often find their diet to be ineffective, they become depressed and return to normal eating habits. Studies have shown that weight gain occurs quicker with repeated cycles of body mass loss. Research has also shown that continuous yo-yo dieting is associated with a higher risk to health than no dieting at all. You can increase your BMR through eating the right foods and through exercise, thus burning more calories at rest.
At New Life Training we will approach nutrition on an individual basis, analysing what you currently consume and adapt it to encourage a long term success in which you can still enjoy your food and lifestyle. For more information contact Mark on 07771 985015 to discuss how we can help you lose weight without crash dieting and effecting your long term health and metabolism.