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In May we set off from Bermuda on our 70ft Trimaran “Phaedo3″ to try and set a new record across the Atlantic from Bermuda – Plymouth UK, a distance of 2870NM. After a few very tough days we set a new outright record of 5 days 11 hours & 57 minutes  which is an average […]

Pete Cumming

Within 8 weeks of working with Lindsey my resting heart rate is down by 8 beats per minute, my percent body fat is down by over 6%, and my visceral fat is down by 2%!

Jill Langan

My ENJOY Journey….one year on!…. So this time last year I was feeling low! I had just been diagnosed with arthritis at the ripe old age of 40, my body ached and I was constantly plagued by anxieties and insecurities in every aspect of my life. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin and I […]

Gemma – Testimonial

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