Running Club News 8/7/13

An incredibly hot evening this evening made the running conditions quite unique for this country! It was certainly not an environment anyone had run in for a long time and the heat sapped the energy very quickly. With this in mind the runners wisely chose a shorter route for this evening compared to last week.

Firstly though, a very warm welcome to Greg who joined the running club this evening having entered himself in to the Great South run. Greg went for the 3.6 mile route this evening and did incredibly well in the conditions, averaging 12mins per mile. Well done Greg, hope to see you again next week when it is sure to be a little cooler. Jack ran on his own this evening and although it wasn’t an official time (Jack didn’t have his watch) it certainly seemed as though he finished with an average of just over 7mins per mile, incredibly fast in any condition, even more remarkable in todays heat!

Charles and Alistair had a good run this evening both finishing close to 9m 30s per mile. For both, these were fast times in touching distance of their recent PBs! Well done guys. We also welcomed Kate back this evening. Having achieved her PB last time out the heat was too much this evening, but she still managed a fantastic run in 11m 11s average.

Well done to all the team this evening. We have new routes next week! So a great time to start running if youve not been before.

Name Speed
Mark 3.60 00:44:14 00:12:17
Jack 4.80 00:34:10 00:07:07
Kate 4.80 00:53:39 00:11:11
Charles 4.80 00:46:06 00:09:36
Alistair 4.80 00:45:54 00:09:34
Greg 3.60 00:44:14 00:12:17

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