Running Club News 7/11/16

Friday 4th November

A good run from the Friday team this morning. A few were suffering with colds etc, so not a particularly fast outing, but still very beneficial. Greg led from the front again, he is enjoying that role on a Friday at the moment. He pulled the team along with Nick running alongside Lisa today and Joanne just in sight. Everyone finished just either side of the 10mins per mile marker to show it was a great run. Well done all. Last time for this route next week!

Name 04/11/2016 Speed
Joanne 4.90 0:49:48 0:10:10
Greg 4.90 0:48:04 0:09:49
Lisa 4.90 0:48:45 0:09:57
Nick C 4.90 0:48:45 0:09:57

Monday 7th November

It was a bitterly cold evening and with several people suffering with colds etc following the sudden drop in temperature I was quite pleased with the turn out! We had Lydia back for this evenings run. Due to work commitments she has been away since August, but you would never have know as she completed 3.6miles non-stop and only 9seconds per mile slower than her last run with us. It’s as if you hadn’t been away Lydia, well done!

It was the 3rd time on this route and normal protocol would be to set the fastest speeds this evening for this route. I think a combination of the ambient temperature and people feeling below par put an end to that. However 1 person did achieve a PB this evening. Rich, running alongside Charles set a new PB! Taking 13seconds per mile off his previous best he flew round the circuit. His knees were problematic coming in to the last mile, but he persevered in search of a new record, breaking the pain barrier, but achieving a fantastic result, well done Rich, and well done Charles for keeping him going. Carl was suffering from a full case of Man-Flu, and we all know how bad that feels! He did get round the circuit with a Kill or Cure philosophy, hopefully the 9mins per mile will be a cure Carl, well done!

It was the 3rd week and you would have thought people were used to the route by now. Not the case!!! Nina and Rose could be forgiven for going off track as they had not done the long route before. A wrong turn caused a little upset in an otherwise perfect run. The ladies finishing in just over an hour. Well done. There was no excuses however for Brooke and Gareth, they had completed the route the previous week with no problems, or so we are led to believe. But they missed the Barnbrook turn and finished 0.3 miles short on distance. It was a good job their speeds were OK!!

Alex chose the social run this evening having ripped the course apart in 7mins per mile the previous week. He ran with Jo, back from a week off, the social motivation helped as she finished just 27 seconds off her previous time. Also running together were Pete and Gemma. Gemma is doing a half marathon next week and had already completed a long run yesterday, so today was more about speed. Her 8m 48s per mile with Pete setting the pace, was awesome and great preparation for her Half!! Well done!

Name 07/11/2016 Speed
Mark 3.60 42:07.0 11:41.9
Pete 4.90 43:33.0 08:53.3
Jo F 4.90 47:18.0 09:39.2
Alex 4.90 47:18.0 09:39.2
Charles 4.90 47:08.0 09:37.1
Rich 4.90 47:08.0 09:37.1
Gemma 4.90 43:33.0 08:53.3
Carl 4.90 44:31.0 09:05.1
Nina 5 01:54.0 12:22.8
Rose 5 02:02.0 12:24.4
Brooke 4.5 39:55.0 08:52.2
Lydia 3.6 42:07.0 11:41.9
Gareth 4.5 38:28.0 08:32.9

New routes next week team!! I will post on FB at the end of the week.


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