The best turn out for weeks following the return to school for a lot of kids and a close to the summer holidays. This evenings running club session was focused on speed, energy systems and flexibility. Following some fun games to warm up and mobilise the group were split in to two teams and paired up to challenge each other to short 10 yard sprints as we undertook some fartlek training to build cardiovascular fitness and speed. The group then undertook the “out and back” challenge with recovery time allowed in between each run. Finally the teams were again assigned and a challenge was set to get the each team to the top of the hill the quickest in our “Hill Sprint Challenge!”. In total, each participant (probably unknowingly) ran 2 miles this evening at a pace far greater than they would do normally. We done to all who participated. We finished with some work on flexibility and stretching which I hope will alleviate some discomfort in the morning. As always I love to hear feedback from these sessions, so please pop me an e-mail and let me know what you thought at
Next week is a the final chance to put in a Personal Best time on the current circuit. See you there.