Running Club News 5/2/18

Monday February 2018

It was the last chance on these routes this evening and a chance for everyone to go for a personal best (PB). I am pleased to say that everyone really pushed themselves this evening. Some like Jo and Carl pushed themselves to run a little further, opting for the 6mile route for the first time and achieving it with flying colours, well done guys!! Some pushed themselves faster, Lou for example, achieved her fastest ever run, clocking at 10m 10seconds per mile to set herself a new PB, aided and abetted as always by Sues, awesome ladies!! Some, well, they just push themselves to the limit, like Nick, who although injured still came along and managed a mile!!! Well done.

It was a freezing cold evening which may have resulted in people running faster just to get warm, but there were no excuses for running further when not required. Charles, having run the course twice already, missed a turn and took Amy for an extra 0.2miles!! Still it was a good time, so well done to you both!! Although Christmas has long gone, a few runners were lit up like Christmas trees this evening. Nick had his new jacket on and I am sure had he not been running fast we may have seen the first airplane landing in Warsash this evening.

Karen had a great run this evening setting another PB and knocking 4 seconds per mile off the PB she set last week. If the truth be known she was going fast to get a front row seat to watch the battle of the boys….her two sons, Aaron and Owen, head to head for the first time. It was Aaron who was first past the post but he had to set a new PB himself to do it! 7m 27s per mile was quick, too quick this evening for Owen and too quick also for Mike. He knocked 7 seconds per mile off his time from last week in a fantastic run, but could only split Aaron and Owen up and not quite beat them. The battle of the whippets will be back next week with new routes.

Sharon and Kate had a great run this evening too, clocking a very fast 10mins per mile, a massive 30seconds per mile quicker than there first attempt on this route, great improvement ladies, well done. Lisa too had a great run, 3 seconds per mile quicker than last week, albeit on a shorter route. Well done!!

New routes next week team and maybe a challenge thrown in too.

Name 05/02/2018 Speed
Mike 5.20 39:00.0 07:30.0
Mark 4.10 39:08.0 09:32.7
Jo F 6.00 57:22.0 09:33.7
Charles 4.30 41:43.0 09:42.1
Carl 6.00 57:22.0 09:33.7
Sharon 4.10 41:12.0 10:02.9
Kate 4.10 41:12.0 10:02.9
Amy 4.10 41:03.0 10:00.7
Lisa 4.10 39:24.0 09:36.6
Lou 4.10 41:43.0 10:10.5
Karen 5.20 39:41.0 07:37.9
Owen 5.20 41:20.0 07:56.9
Aaron 5.20 38:45.0 07:27.1
Sues 4.10 41:43.0 10:10.5




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