Running Club News 29/6/15

There was very little rest from the sun on this evenings route, it was hot and due to get hotter too. It made conditions tough for the final run on these routes and no PBs were expected. In fact, many of the runners chose the shorter routes this evening with only Mike and Dennis the Menace running the 6.1mile lap. Greg (aka Dennis) had everyone a bit worried at the end as we all finished and he wasn’t in sight. Had he fallen over? Had he got lost (more likely) or had he run the longer route? No one was really sure, but we were all relieved when he arrived back safe and in a good time too. He was just 1 min behind his record on this route set two weeks ago and in tough conditions that is a great achievement. Mike also sprinted the long route and improved his time from last week by a massive 1 second! Again, with the tougher conditions and the fact he ran a 12mile off road run yesterday made this all the more impressive. Well done gents. I was asked to point out however that Mike did finish just 6th this evening!!!

Pete was first to cross the finish from the runners. His new trainers attacking muscles he never knew he had but taking the pressure off his knees in a way that allows him to run with more freedom now. His 8m48s per mile was pretty impressive!! He managed to fend off Jo and Sue, the mother and daughter team who take it in turns to pace set as they just get faster and faster during the run…..Or is it that Jo is listening to Keith Flint and is chasing him and Sue can hear it and thinks he’s chasing her. Not Sure! Their 9m 14s per mile was very good though, well done Keith!!

Alistair is showing some real dedication to running at the moment. He catches a bus all the way from Fareham to attend the club on a Monday evening. His dedication continues through the run, pushing himself to limit, even with his asthma. His dedication pushed him to 9mins per mile this evening. Then his dedication stopped and he went to the Fern for a pint before going home!! Well done Alistair I am sure it was well deserved!

Mandy is getting back  to her running well at the moment. She had a great run on Friday at the club then and this evening she completed 3.5miles non-stop and in a great average of 11m 23s well done Mandy. Sharon and Lindsey ran together this evening and it seemed they set a better pace from the start and were able to maintain it all the way round. Their 10m 27s per mile was just 8s per mile outside of Lindseys PB! Well done ladies.

Next week will be surprise week!!!

Name 29/06/2015 Speed
Mark 4.30 00:36:05 00:08:23
Pete 4.30 00:37:50 00:08:48
Mike Y 6.10 00:43:02 00:07:03
Sue 4.30 00:39:42 00:09:14
Jo F 4.30 00:39:42 00:09:14
Alistair 4.30 00:38:50 00:09:02
Greg 6.10 01:03:20 00:10:23
Mandy B 3.50 00:39:51 00:11:23
Sharon 4.30 00:44:11 00:10:17
Lindsey 4.3 00:44:11 00:10:17


Just to let you know I have just booked myself on these two runs, please let me know if you would like to do them with me –

25th Great South Run – Portsmouth –

MAY 2016
30th London 10k – London –



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