With a few people away this evening it was decided to undertake a handicap run today. It required a mathematician and an IT expert to program the spreadsheet in order to calculate everyone’s start times. Unfortunately we didn’t have either. So a slightly delayed start but it kind of worked.
Nick went out first undertaking the longer 5.6mile route. It meant everyone was chasing him!! That pressure of looking over your shoulder was enough to spur Nick on to his fastest time with the running club ever!! A fantastic 7m40s per mile. Next to go was Sharon, she set off 4mins after Nick but on the shorter route of 4.5miles. She managed to beat Nick back, only just, but that was also enough for Sharon to achieve her Personal Best Ever with the Running Club as well!! A fantastic 8m 35s per mile, awesome!!
A minute later and Charles set off in pursuit. He worked hard to close in on Sharon and Nick, not quite making it past them, but his run was only his 3rd fastest ever with the club and just 3s per mile from his PB! Great Run Charles!! Jo was next to leave the ENJOY club. Although her knee had been a little sore in recent days she still managed a fantastic run, her 8m48s per mile just 8s per mile off her PB!! The two Mandy’s and Lynne set off next all within 30s of each other. Mandy ran the Southampton half-marathon yesterday but was still here this evening and in great form, she ran another 4.5miles this evening and in just over 9mins per mile. Well done on both this evening and yesterdays achievements Mandy!! Mandy B and Lynne ran together on the 3.3mile route. Pushing each other on and finishing right at the front gave Lynne her fastest ever run with the club, an amazing 10m 36s per mile. This is a massive 3mins per mile quicker than her previous best!!! We done Lynne! For Mandy B she was just a few seconds away from her PB as well.
Next to go off together were Pete and Mike. Mike was on the longer route and focused on tracking down Nick running the same route. He didn’t quite catch him but passed quite a few on his way to an amazing 6m 38s per mile, this is extremely fast and just 3seconds outside his PB!! Pete had a “man-cold” this evening and so was handicapped in more ways than one. He completed the course though in 42minutes not bad for the 4.5mile route, well done Pete!
We are back to the normal routine next week with new routes and challenges. It is a Bank holiday Monday, so no excuses guys, see you all next week!
Name | Distance | ACTUAL TIME | Average |
Mandy B | 3.30 | 00:34:59 | 00:10:36 |
Pete | 4.50 | 00:42:10 | 00:09:22 |
Nick C | 5.60 | 00:42:54 | 00:07:40 |
Lynne | 3.30 | 00:34:59 | 00:10:36 |
Charles | 4.50 | 00:41:19 | 00:09:11 |
Sharon | 4.50 | 00:38:39 | 00:08:35 |
Jo | 4.50 | 00:39:38 | 00:08:48 |
Mandy | 4.50 | 00:41:09 | 00:09:09 |
Mike Y | 5.60 | 00:37:10 | 00:06:38 |
Mark | 4.50 | 00:38:20 | 00:08:31 |