Running Club News 22/1/18

Friday 19th January 2018

Just 3 runners today but it was very much quality rather than quantity. Nick B had a great run, completing the 4.4mile from last week 26seconds faster. Also running today was Cat, having run the furthest and fastest of her life last week, she went for a shorter route (only just mind) and smashed the time to set a new Personal Best split time of 10m 24s per mile – 16seconds quicker per mile then ever before. Well done Cat!!!

Monday 22nd January

New routes for the Monday night club this evening so no super fast times as the participants got used to the routes. A few people did go off track though. Owen, who was going for the 6mile extended route, probably did close to 8 miles, after he ran down a cul de sac at one point and had to turn around and run back. His Mum, Karen, also doubled back along Hunts Pond Road to ensure Owen was OK adding miles to her route.  There was also a bit of traffic to contend with as Lisa came face to face with a white van pulling out of a drive way and had to wait quite a while before being able to pass. There were some quick times however, Sharon and Kate put in a quick time, with their last mile clocking at a superfast 9m10s. Carl is definitely returning back to form, with a very quick 8m41s per mile. Rich, back for his 2nd run, is also improving, with an extra mile this evening from last week. He finished just ahead of Charles, who completed his fastest run since October. Nina, Lydia and Cat teamed up together to smash the 4.1 routes in a great time too, well done ladies.

Same routes next week and a chance to improve on your times.



Name 22/01/2018 Speed
Mark 5.20 48:48.0 09:23.1
Charles 5.20 50:00.0 09:36.9
Rich 5.20 49:00.0 09:25.4
Carl 5.20 45:10.0 08:41.2
Nina 4.1 47:14.0 11:31.2
Sharon 4.10 43:05.0 10:30.5
Kate 4.1 43:05.0 10:30.5
Lydia 4.1 47:14.0 11:31.2
Lisa 5.2 49:45.0 09:34.0
Catherine 4.1 47:14.0 11:31.2
Karen 5.2 43:17.0 08:19.4
Owen 6 51:00.0 08:30.0




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