Running Club News 18/7/11

Excellent running conditions greeted the runners this evening as the rain cleared to leave a damp cool evening for running around Warsash. The conditions clearly helped as 9 out of the 13 runners all achieved their Personal Best times for this course. There were some exceptional performances this evening; Pete finally achieved his goal to run the lap in sub 8 minute miles. He achieved this in style with a blistering 7m55s pace, Awesome! Mike took another 1m 31s off his time, this is after he took over two minutes off last week! Nic and Becca took 2m 38s off their last weeks time to achieve their PBs for the course and Kelly and the girls, Ella and Georgia also put in much improved performances, Kelly in particular taking 2m 50s off last weeks time! A massive well done to Mel who only came back to the running club 2 weeks ago but not only moved up a distance tonight to 3.7miles she also put in her fastest ever time at 12m 25s per mile, thats Brilliant Mel! Well Done!  In preperation for the Great South Run, Bruce completed 2 laps (9.9miles) in 89mins, an excellent time but we will have to revise you target time for the GSR now Bruce! Well done! Alistairs new trainers are still paying dividends as he improved his time again. He clocked a pace of 9m06s per mile – next week Alistair sub 9mins per mile has to be the target!

This was the last week the running club will run in this format. From next week we will again increase the distances in preperation for the Great South Run. The format will be made up of a 4 week plan. Weeks 1 and 2 will be running a set route with week 3 focused on speed and working different energy systems. The final week will be a return to the route to monitor your improvements and hopefully achieve your PBs! Well done to everyone this evening for a fun run!

Name Distance Time 3 Speed
Pete 4.95 00:39:12 00:07:55
Bruce 4.95 01:29:30 00:09:02
Becca 4.95 00:46:52 00:09:28
Kelly 3.7 00:38:00 00:10:16
Ella 3.7 00:37:30 00:10:08
Georgia 3.7 00:37:56 00:10:15
Danae 4.95 00:46:34 00:09:24
Mike 4.95 00:43:44 00:08:50
Sandy 4.95 00:45:56 00:09:17
Alistair 4.95 00:45:02 00:09:06
Lilly 3.7 00:48:25 00:13:05
Mel F 3.7 00:45:56 00:12:25
Nic P 4.95 00:46:52 00:09:28

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