Running Club News 18/11/13

As the nights are getting darker, and for safety and motivational purposes everyone was paired up this evening. This created an additional competitive edge that seemed to work. The runners also started out slower with the view that they would not create such an oxygen debt in the first mile and be able to run further and faster. The tactic worked.

Maggie, completing only her third run with the club, followed the instructions and completed her 3.1mile run non-stop. This was the furthest she had ever run and it was in a great time too!! Motivated by Mike alongside her she completed the route in just under 35mins!! Well done Maggie. There is even talk of her entering a 10k in the new year now to give her something to work towards, brilliant!!

Mike, set off a little slower than light speed this evening and the tactic worked as he was able to maintain a great pace throughout the run and finish with an amazing average of just 7m39s per mile, just 2 seconds off his personal best!!

Alistair and Miles were paired together and they were suitably matched. The competitiveness of the two of them really came out and I was able to witness one of the best and most entertaining sprint finishes the club has ever experienced! Their times were excellent too! Averaging 10mins per mile!

Bruce and Greg ran together, they completed the correct route and weren’t far behind Ali and Miles come the end. In fact Greg completed the run in one of his fastest ever…. 10m 12s per mile!! Well done Greg and well done Bruce for pace setting!!

New routes next week and some more beginners due to start!!

Name 18/11/2013 Speed
Bruce 5.60 00:57:07 00:10:12
Mark 5.60 00:42:59 00:07:41
Mike 5.60 00:42:51 00:07:39
Mike H 3.10 00:34:50 00:11:14
Maggie 3.10 00:34:50 00:11:14
Miles 5.60 00:56:06 00:10:01
Alistair 5.60 00:56:06 00:10:01
Greg 5.60 00:57:07 00:10:12





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