Running Club News 14/5/12

The rain stopped and the sun came out and only Pete was prepared with his shades!! It was a good run this evening, the last one before the Marwell 10k this coming Sunday! Most ran a little further than last week so a direct comparison isn’t possible but there were some very good averages. Morgan and Mel both had great runs, with Morgan finishing just 1 second per mile outside her Personal Best and Mel 2 seconds outside hers. Great running ladies. There were a few timing issues as there was a lack of stop watches this evening, but a conservative estimate found Sharon to have achieved her Personal Best this evening. She has been improving well over recent weeks and tonight she pushed herself a little harder and achieved a very quick average of just 9m20s per mile, fantastic Sharon, well done! Also achieving a Personal Best this evening was Louisa! She flew round the 3mile course in just 10m 40s per mile, awesome!!!

A big well done to Tom, who single handily took on the long route, 5.6miles and completed it in a fantastic average of just 8m 32s. brilliant Tom, well done!

Thank you to all the runners tonight and good luck to those running in the Marwell 10k on Sunday.


Name 14/05/2012 Time 2 Speed
Alistair                3.65 00:34:37 00:09:29
Mark                3.65 00:30:20 00:08:19
Sandy S                3.65 00:31:34 00:08:39
Pete                3.65 00:30:20 00:08:19
Kyle                3.65 00:31:34 00:08:39
Tom                5.60 00:47:47 00:08:32
Sharon                3.00 00:28:00 00:09:20
Morgan                3.00 00:29:40 00:09:53
Louisa                3.00 00:31:59 00:10:40
Harry                3.00 00:28:40 00:09:33
Mel F                3.00 00:31:59 00:10:40

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