Running Club News 14/4/14

It was a beautiful evening to go running along the river Hamble and with the tide out this week that is exactly what we did. The route requires the tide to be out so we can cross the path leading from the shore to Brook Avenue without our armbands! It is just over a mile of off-road terrain with the majority uphill so it is a fairly challenging course. Clearly not challenging enough for Mike though as he set a new course record, personal best and first sub-7min per mile average at the running club in over 14 months!! He smashed the 4.4mile course in just 30 mins with an average pace of 6m59s per mile. Excellent Mike, well done!! Even Pete wasn’t able to keep him in his sights today, even though Pete beat his own course PB, improving on last times run by nearly 2 minutes.

Running for the first time with the running club tonight was Jody, she is looking to do the Great South Run again this year and will be training with Maggie. Jody had a great first run completing the route in an average of just 9m 40s per mile! Well done Jody! Maggie had new trainers and there was some debate on who would carry her through the muddy lane so not to get them dirty. Someone clearly did as her trainers were still bright white at the end. The trainers certainly worked though as Maggie averaged a great 10m 27s per mile. The only thing whiter than her trainers this evening were Mikes legs! The white blur was on form though as he helped Maggie round the route! Well done guys! Tom kept with Maggie and Mike until near the end and his average of 10m 11s per mile was good for his first run back in over 2 months, well done!

Greg had a good run this evening too. We had some debate on Fridays run, as Greg averaged a 9m 55 on the Friday 4.1m route. It was felt Greg was very much a morning person, with his best times being achieved during the Friday club not the Monday club. Well this changed this evening as he produced a great run to beat Fridays average by over 20seconds per mile and achieve his 2nd fastest average ever with the club and his quickest on a Monday meeting! Well done Greg!! Some thanks needs to go to Alistair who set the early pace for Greg and to Jo who overtook him near the end and spurred him on for the last mile! Alistairs run was his fastest for over 2 months and for Jo this was her fastest Monday night time and only 4 seconds per mile outside her overall PB!! Well done team!

Sarah had a great run this evening too. Encouraged round the course by Charles, she matched her pace from last week at 10m 42s per mile but ran nearly a whole mile further than last week, non-stop! Well done Sarah!! Awesome!

Next week we have a meeting at 9.15am start on Good Friday and 6.30pm Start on Easter Monday for those who are keen. Same routes for the last time!!

Name 14/04/2014 Speed
Mark 4.40 00:42:42 00:09:42
Pete 4.40 00:35:28 00:08:04
Mike Y 4.40 00:30:42 00:06:59
Jo F 4.40 00:40:59 00:09:19
Mike H 4.40 00:45:58 00:10:27
Maggie 4.40 00:45:58 00:10:27
Charles 4.40 00:47:04 00:10:42
Tom 4.40 00:44:48 00:10:11
Alistair 4.40 00:41:40 00:09:28
Greg 4.40 00:42:12 00:09:35
Jody 4.40 00:42:32 00:09:40
Sarah 4.4 00:47:04 00:10:42



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