Running Club News 10/7/17

Monday 10th July 2017

The ladies set off again in their little group on the 4.5mile riverside route for the last time this evening. Sharon, as always, was the shepherd, ushering them all on, doing little shuttles from the back to the front of the pack to keep the pace going. I think she probably does another mile on top of everyone else. It works though, as Nina, Rose, Lydia and Kate all finished without stopping and in a great time too. Rose thought she had a new PB of 19.34, but then she realised it was the time! Well done ladies. They even had time to stop for a selfie on the bridge –

Carl went for it again today and beat last weeks time by 13 seconds to set another Personal Best!! Fantastic. He was chased all the way this week though as Leyon was back to running club and set the pace on the run early on. It was nearly a year ago today that Leyon set his last Personal Best. It was set on 18/7/16 – a split time of 8m25s, a time he has been unable to match until today. Following some 1-2-1 Personal Training, and recovery from a nasty injury, he achieved an amazing 7m 44s split to smash last times record and show how much he has improved. Well done Gents!! Awesome!

Also running this evening was Nick and Charles. Nick is returning from injury on his ankle and the off-road section was a big test. He came through it well………until the last 2 paces!! When he hit a stone again and his ankle made a funny angle, but it was fine, strong enough to withstand it and he finished the run as if nothing had happened. Charles did well to, beating his first weeks time on this route, a bit slower than last week but then it was a heavy weekend!!

New routes next week!!


Name 10/07/2017 Speed
Nick C 4.50 41:52.0 09:18.2
Mark 4.50 41:53.0 09:18.4
Charles 4.50 45:11.0 10:02.4
Carl 5.20 38:32.0 07:24.6
Nina 4.50 50:43.0 11:16.2
Sharon 4.50 50:11.0 11:09.1
Rose 5.20 51:21.0 09:52.5
Leyon 5.20 40:17.0 07:44.8
Kate 4.50 50:11.0 11:09.1
Lydia 4.50 50:43.0 11:16.2

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