October is traditionally a month for giving things up – STOPTOBER for smokers for example. With just 2 months until Christmas it seemed a great idea to jump on a band wagon and encourage people to stop something!!! We chose SUGAR!!! And sugar comes in many forms and guises –
1: Sugar Makes You Fat
The more you eat, the more you want.
If you eat lots of sugars, or things that turn into sugars in your body, like refined carbohydrates, you end up dealing with the constant cravings for sugary pick-me-ups and end up eating sugary foods all day long.
2: It keeps You Fat
Keep over-eating sugar & your pancreas will start overproducing the hormone insulin in an attempt to keep your
blood sugars at a safe level. All that extra insulin will keep you feeling hungry plus it will block your body’s natural ability to release fatty acids to be burned. Insulin tells your body to turn sugar into fat, to store that fat, or to hang onto it for dear life.
3: It’s inflammatory.
The sugar in alcohol is absorbed even faster than the sugars in foods.
Over the course of October I will be posting Information, hints, tips and recipes to helps people come off sugar!! I would love for people to get involved, so please share idea’s for recipes, stories on how you’ve replaced sugar, or any sugary experiences. If you e-mail them to me I will share them on the NO MORE SUGAR page