Did you know that roughly one million people join their local gym in the New Year?
And while it is great that they recognise the need to stay in shape, the harsh reality is that within 6 weeks 70% of them will have stopped going.
Many people seem to think that their gym membership will miraculously help them to lose weight or improve their fitness, but when it actually comes to putting in the effort, all they are doing is spending around £50 a month on something they never use. Worse still “The international Health and Fitness association (IDEA) released a statistic that found that 75% of people that do exercise are not achieving the results they want. But of the 25% who are getting the results they want, 90% of them are working with a personal trainer.”
When you consider how soulless most modern gyms are, these statistics are hardly surprising. Thankfully, you do not need a gym to stay slim, gorgeous and healthy.
Here is our list of ways to get fit without blowing cash on an unused gym pass.
The New Year fitness trap that snares most people is the misconception that a gym membership is the answer to all their prayers. Have a good think about why you feel you need to join a gym in the first place, and chances are you will realise that it is your overall lifestyle that needs to change.
Are you overweight because you over indulged too much on alcohol and do not pay attention to the level of fat in your diet over Christmas? The average person will put on 8lbs of FAT (not weight) over Christmas, are you Mr or Mrs Average? or are you worse? Do you drive everywhere when you could easily walk or take the bus? These small steps soon add up to a big improvement to your fitness.
‘It’s too cold to train outside; I think I’ll join the gym.’ We have all been there, but after three weeks of staring at the same spot on the wall while you pound the treadmill, you will soon find yourself longing for the great outdoors.
Exercise is supposed to be fun, so why do so many gym-goers sport that ‘anywhere but here’ look? Instead of wasting money on a redundant gym membership, make the most of your local park and enjoy breathing in fresh air while you work out, rather than other people’s sweat.
Why put yourself through hell in the gym when you can walk your way to fitness? Walking may not feel like the most intense exercise in the world, but just one hour of brisk walking can relieve you of an impressive 400 calories (compared to around 600-700 running).
A pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories, so build an hour of walking into your daily routine and it won’t be long before you notice your waistline going in the right direction.
For some people it is the solitude of going to the gym rather than the monotony that is the chief reason they stop going. But it does not have to be this way.
Only when you start training with other people do you realise what you have been missing; the sessions seem to go faster and there is always someone there to help motivate, encourage and keep you smiling.
It will still cost you, but we guarantee that your money will be much better spent and you stand a greater chance of finely tuning your fitness if you sign up for boot camp sessions rather than enrolling at your local gym.
Personal trainers across the country have realised that, because of the recession, they have to offer their customers an affordable alternative to one-on-one sessions. As a result there are suddenly boot camps everywhere. You’ll be forced to get down and dirty, but you will GET FIT! LOSE WEIGHT! HAVE FUN!!
Find out more about our BOOTCAMPS!
It may sound ridiculous, but if joining a gym is the equivalent of pouring your money down a very large drain, then investing in a humble skipping rope has to be one of the most effective ways to get in shape – for your fitness and your bank balance.
Skipping is a high intensity exercise (there is a reason why lean boxers and followers of martial arts make it such an integral part of their training) and will provide you with top-to-toe fat burning. It’s particularly good at shaping your legs, abdominals, arms and shoulders, but your entire body will feel the benefit. Plus you do not have to stray from your home to do it – just start doing a few minutes three or four times a week and, when you are good enough, step it up to 30 minutes, which will help you burn through around 250 calories.
What could be better than a fitness regime that does not even involve leaving your house? As long as you have the right strategy, getting fit at home is much easier than you think. As with any exercise programme, you need to know what you are doing otherwise you might not see the desired results and could end up doing yourself a mischief.
We now have 4 highly qualified personal trainers at New Life Training who will be happy to design a programme for you or train you a few times to ensure what you are doing is safe, effective and fun! Running on the spot, skipping, press ups, squats – the exercises are the same, you just don’t have to put up with overcrowding in the showers when you are done.
Gym memberships can cost as much as £800 a year – that is a lot of money for negligible results. With Personal Training you are guaranteed results as they look after all areas that affect your weight; nutrition, metabolism, exercise and calorie burning as well as the psychological elements involved in this process. As stated before; of those people achieving their goals through exercising 90% are using a Personal Trainer now that has to be a good investment! You can find out what a Personal Trainer can do for you through a free 45 minutes consultation by registering your interest at here.
There are cheaper alternatives though. Why shell out when all you need to get in shape is a pair of trainers and some running gear? Start the New Year by joining the NLT Running Club, you could drop a massive hint and encourage your partner to buy you some new trainers for Christmas!
After just a few sessions you will soon begin to feel yourself getting fitter and will enjoy the mental health benefits. Research has shown that running can help fight depression and snooker player Ronnie O’Sullivan credits it with turning his life around.
Who knows, your first marathon could be just around the corner. Find out more information about our running club.