In September 2020 we witnessed a record breaking MEPS month at Enjoy Fitness. John Moreton, our oldest member at 76 years, earned 9043 MEPS in one month. Not only was this the highest score ever seen at Enjoy Fitness, it is also one of the highest scores globally ever!
MEPS are Myzone Effort Points earned through exercise, the harder your workout intensity the more MEPs you earn. Most people are focused on just achieving the World Health Orgainisations (WHO) recommended 1300 MEPS which ensures health and fitness benefits are attained. John wasn’t satisfied with just achieving the minimum he was focused on over delivering, something he has brought into his fitness life from his very successful business world. Directed and motivated by International Personal Trainer, Mark Mayes BSc. John has completed 3 intense gym sessions per week focused on improving his lean body mass. Even at 76, John has seen significant muscle gain from this regime. This month he has complimented his gym work with daily walks and cycle rides to average 2.5 hours of exercise a day. Most people would say they don’t have the time to commit to this but John, who is a director and founder of many successful businesses based in multiple countries, has found his new exercise program has given him more energy, more motivation and more focus to increase his productivity in his work and family life as well. John makes sure he finds the time to train twice everyday. In his record breaking month, John burned a massive 69000 calories exercising, the equivalent to the energy found in 19lbs of fat! He hopes to inspire more people to focus their direction in to health and fitness having seen the benefits. He really is an inspiration and has set the bar very high! 9043 MEPS. The challenge is there, can anyone beat the 76 year old? If you are interested in being rewarded for exercise by earning MEPs and fancy challenging John, go to https://buy.myzone.org/?lang=enGB&voucher=NLTUK001 for a £50 discount.