Friday Running Club News 6/2/15

A new route on a bitterly cold morning greeted the brave few who turned up for todays running club. The wind chill made the “real feel” temperature -4C as we set off. The cold weather had a good effect though as it certainly speeded people up to get round quicker and back to the Enjoy Studio for a warm sit down and a natter!!

Sue really pushed herself this morning, taking herself outside of her comfort zone. She practically flew down Brook lane on the final stretch of her run with her last mile recorded at under 8mins per mile. This brought her average for the route down to 8m51s just 2secs per mile outside her PB set last August in much warmer conditions! Well done Sue!!

Carl had the day off  today and wisely chose to spend it running up and down Brook Lane! His new sponsorship deal with the posh french company Sauvignon Blanc didn’t help this morning though and he was slightly handicapped from last night. Still it was a great run and 600 calories reclaimed!!

Greg was just awesome this morning. He clearly had a clear head and 3 Shredded Wheat!! Having been with the running club since July 2013 he has shown steady progress but today he smashed through some barriers and achieved a new PB of 9m 12s. Fantastic Greg!! Even with some tough inclines on the route he looked very strong throughout!! Probably bad timing though as we have the handicap race on Monday and he will have to have his handicap chopped.

Same routes next week

Name 06/02/2015 Speed
Mark 4.35 00:38:30 00:08:51
Carl 4.35 00:41:51 00:09:37
Greg 4.35 00:40:01 00:09:12
Sue 4.35 00:38:30 00:08:51



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