Friday Running Club News 02/05

Everyone managed the correct route this morning, which in itself is very newsworthy for a Friday Running Club!! Last week we managed 4 different routes between the runners, today was more consistent! Jo was certainly consistent, her 9m 15s per mile was identical to last weeks run and only 1 second per mile outside her PB set on Monday night! She did run 0.2miles less than her extended run last week but it is great to see her times being consistently fast!! Pete was similar, he achieved another sub 8-min per mile run and is closing in on his 7m28s PB!!! All eyes on you this Monday Pete!

Alistair had a great run this morning too, and updated blog from Mondays Running Club shows Alistair closing in on his PB! His run today was very good, especially with the hills involved and will put him in good stead to beat his PB at this Mondays RC!!

Finally Jules had another good run with the club this morning. Putting the world to right on her way round!!

Well done runners, same route next week for the final time!


Name 02/05/2014 Speed
Mark 4.40 00:45:40 00:10:23
Pete 4.40 00:35:00 00:07:57
Juliette 4.40 00:45:42 00:10:23
Jo F 4.40 00:40:40 00:09:15
Alistair 4.4 00:42:10 00:09:35

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