Friday Running Club 17/10/14

Well all the hard work is now complete, there is nothing you can do this close to the race to improve your time apart from rest, eat properly and keep hydrated. Todays runners used the route to loosen off from the 10miles last Sunday and in Gregs situation practice pace setting for the big one in 9 days time. Greg had a pace setter with him throughout the run today and it helped (I hope). He kept his pace to 11m30s ish for the first 2 miles before getting excited again and increasing to 10m30s ish. Either way he is looking at a 1h50m run next Sunday a massive 30mins quicker than last year!! Mandy, Sharon and Alistair were all running-off last weeks 10mile, all feeling a little stiff and lethargic still. It was the perfect run though as they all set off nice and steady, not too quick and increased the pace as they loosened up. The final result was three very good runs!! All around 9mins per mile, well done team!!

You should all have received an e-mail itinerary for the Great South Run Day! If you haven’t please e-mail me at


Name 17/10/2014 Speed
Mark 5.00 00:51:55 00:10:23
Greg 5.00 00:51:52 00:10:22
Sharon 5.00 00:45:00 00:09:00
Mandy 5.00 00:45:00 00:09:00
Alistair 5.00 00:44:00 00:08:48

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