Hi Team,
We have spent the last 10 weeks at New Life Training Running Club preparing for the Eastleigh 10k and now it is just around the corner. I am now looking for confirmations to organise the logistics to and from the run for those people connected with New Life Training.
This will be the largest representation New Life Training have had at any run since their formation 4 years ago! It will be great to celebrate this afterwards. So there will be some champagne at the Silver Fern Pub in Warsash post-run for a de-brief!
Please can you e-mail me (mark@nltraining.co.uk) asap with the following information –
Before the race, are you –
a) Going straight there
b) requiring a lift from the silver fern to the run
c) happy to drive people to the run from the silver fern
For the race, would you like to run –
a) in a New life training vest, specify size required
b) in a New life training T-shirt, specify size required
c) in your own top
d) naked, (for legal reasons I cannot recommend this!)
NB. New Life Training Tops will be £20 for t-shirt, £18 for Vest.
After the race, will you be
a) going home in a sulk!
b) going back to the Silver fern for a few drinks
c) going back to the silver fern for sunday lunch and a few drinks
I need as much notice as possible to book the tables and the Fern and order t-shirts / vests so please respond to the e-mail asap. Once I have everyone’s input I will send out the logistics for the day!
The 24 people I have confirmed as interested so far, if your name isn’t on here and you are running please let me know asap –
Mark Mayes
Jessica Mayes (Junior Run)
Georgina Mayes
Harry Charles
Nick Charles
Charles Jackson
Louise Jarvis
Jane Orlowski
Sue Moore
Jo Fricker
Bruce Mills
Pete Giblett
Maggie Hine
Mike Hine
Sandy Saunders
Damian Griffiths
Tom Law
Ryann Prill
Alistair Mcfarlane
Sarah Lorimer
Jessica Lorimer
Suzi Jones
Lindsey Pruce
Rob Pruce
If you know of anyone I have missed please let me know. Also I dont have everyone’s e-mail addresses so please forward this on to friends and relatives to ensure everyone receives it.
Finally, if you can complete this 10k in March you can definitely complete 10miles in October. I have already enrolled on the Great South Run this year and the places are going very quick. It would be great to have all 24 of you running it this year, so don’t delay book in today – http://www.greatrun.org/Events/Event.aspx?id=12
Kind regards,