Those pesky sugar cravings are INTENSE!!!!!!
Sugar actually changes your brain chemistry. Conclusive evidence shows us that sugar is highly addictive.
So, don’t panic if you find it tough & you are feeling the withdrawal effects .
Depending on your personality type there are 2 ways to tackle sugar:
1: All or Nothing.
Just go complete cold turkey & cut it out. Be ruthless.
Tell everyone around you what you are doing & to stay focused.
2: Cut down a little bit every day & ease your way out of it.
YOU know your personality so take control & go with the right method for you.
7 ways To Get Off Sugar AND Lose Body Fat.
1: Start the day with a workout – Make it high Intensity if you can. A run, sprints up and down your staircase or a fitness DVD, whatever it takes for 10- 30mins. It will leave you feeling energised and ready for the day!!
2: Eat a protein rich lunch style breakfast.
Cut cereals out all all costs!!!
3: Eat only 3 meals & load up on green veggies.
4.Give fruit a miss for a week but again EAT LOADS OF VEGGIES.
5:Drink tons of bottled water & fruit teas.
6:No snacking.
7: BOOZE – The weekend has gone so no more alcohol for at least 5 days!
Remember ALL alcohol is sugar in various forms – Go easy!
Come on. You can do this.
Make a commitment & stick to it just take it day by day or even hour by hour.
Let me know how you get on